Xur has once again made his return to Destiny 2, bringing a fresh assortment of exotic and legendary gear for guardians to get their hands on, but only for a short period. As Episode Heresy winds down between Acts, players can take a moment to breathe and focus on acquiring gear, including weapons from the latest Sundered Doctrine dungeon.
Earlier this week, Bungie rolled out a new Destiny 2 update addressing various bugs and issues impacting gameplay. Notably, significant changes were applied to Trials of Osiris and Sundered Doctrine, alongside adjustments to exotic gear such as the Speaker’s Sight, Blight Ranger, Lodestar, Finality’s Auger, and Barrow-Dyad.
For the time being, Xur is back with an exciting inventory for the weekend of February 28, 2025. This guide will cover his location, details of his exotic cipher quest, and a comprehensive look at all the exotic and legendary gear he has to offer.
Xur has now set up a permanent shop in the Bazaar area within The Tower, which means no more weekend hunt for his whereabouts. The Bazaar sits conveniently between two fast travel points, making it easy for players to find him. As you enter, head towards where Ikora and Hawthorne are stationed and search near the Ramen Shop. Xur is in the alleyway to the right of it.
In Destiny 2, Xur remains committed to offering the standard weekly tasks, exotics, and legendary gear. These quests are crucial not only for purchasing a second fated engram but also for acquiring legacy exotic gear from the Tower kiosk. Players can earn a new cipher by completing strikes or winning crucible and gambit matches, with bonus points awarded for playing with clan members or completing tougher activities.
Among Xur’s current offerings is the Warlock helmet, Apotheosis Veil. Its exotic perk, Insatiable, grants immediate regeneration of health, melee, grenade, and Rift energy for you and nearby allies upon activating your Super. Afterward, you also enjoy increased melee and grenade regeneration for a brief period. Unfortunately, this week’s roll isn’t particularly noteworthy due to its high mobility stat, with total stat values standing at 65.
The Hunter gauntlets, Aeon Swift, sport the Aeon’s Wrath perk, which temporarily increases reload and weapon swap speed with rapid precision hits. The Foebreaker Chant increases ally damage against marked combatants, providing energy boosts to nearby Aeon Cult allies without the Sect of Force role. Despite improvements over its original version, Aeon Swift remains a niche choice, with stat values totaling 65.
For Titans, the Actium War Rig chest armor offers the Auto-Loading Link perk, which gradually reloads a portion of your equipped Auto Rifle’s or Machine Gun’s reserves, also enhancing their airborne effectiveness. While the roll is nice, the high mobility stat doesn’t quite match up to its name, with a total stat value of 67.
Xur’s ever-refreshing inventory in Year 7 includes a new progression system, rewards, and new focusing options. Beyond weapons and armor, his current stock boasts:
– Prospector Catalyst
– Graviton Lance Catalyst
– The Xurfboard (a Skimmer Board Vehicle)
– An Exotic Cipher
– Enhancement resources like Prism and Core
Year 7 has also revamped Xur’s exotic weapon offerings. This weekend, he’s showcasing:
– Hawkmoon, the iconic hand cannon
– The Huckleberry submachine gun
– Lord of Wolves shotgun
– The Wardcliff Coil, a mighty rocket launcher
To round out his incredible plugin of legendary and exotic selections, Xur also offers an enticing collection of legendary armor and weapons, each priced at 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer. These include:
– Farewell (Kinetic Sidearm)
– Nightshade (Energy Pulse Rifle)
– The Vision (Energy Sidearm)
– Seventh Seraph VY-7 (Energy Submachine Gun)
– Various heavy weapons
– Kairos Function Armor Set
For Destiny 2 fans, this week promises exciting gear upgrades, fresh challenges, and plenty of opportunities to enhance your Guardian’s arsenal.