Imagine being a PlayStation fan and picking up a game, only to find out it lacks any trophies. For many, trophies are the digital badges of honor that make gaming a bit more rewarding, even if they don’t hold tangible value. Some would even say a game without them is hardly worth the time.
Yet, every so often, a game receives an unexpected update that adds these trophies, breathing new life into titles that originally came with none. This is exactly what happened with a timeless classic from the PS Plus Star Wars collection.
Exciting news for fans of the PS1 era: Star Wars Demolition now offers trophies for players to unlock. Those with a PS Plus Premium subscription can find this classic in the Classics Catalog, complete with a whopping 33 trophies, including a much sought-after Platinum trophy.
The updated version of Star Wars Demolition made its debut in 2023. For players without a PS Plus Premium subscription, it’s available for just $4.99. Like other PS1 classics that have been ported to modern systems, this version includes several enhancements not seen in the original, such as improved graphics, the ability to rewind, quick save options, and customizable video filters.
In this game, players can choose from 10 different vehicles and battle it out in eight unique arenas, armed with high-powered weapons like laser cannons, proton torpedoes, and concussion missiles. With four game modes available, including tournament and high stakes, there’s plenty to keep players engaged.
In more exciting news, Sony announced the addition of another Star Wars title to the PS Plus Game Catalog for Extra and Premium members. As unveiled during the latest PlayStation State of Play, the highly praised Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will arrive on the service on February 18. For trophy enthusiasts, fret not—this modern game, available for both PS4 and PS5, comes with a full set of trophies, including a Platinum to achieve.